React DOM Components

React supports all of the browser built-in HTML and SVG components.

Common components

All of the built-in browser components support some props and events.

This includes React-specific props like ref and dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

Form components

These built-in browser components accept user input:

They are special in React because passing the value prop to them makes them controlled.

All HTML components

React supports all built-in browser HTML components. This includes:


Similar to the DOM standard, React uses a camelCase convention for prop names. For example, youโ€™ll write tabIndex instead of tabindex. You can convert existing HTML to JSX with an online converter.

Custom HTML elements

If you render a tag with a dash, like <my-element>, React will assume you want to render a custom HTML element. In React, rendering custom elements works differently from rendering built-in browser tags:

  • All custom element props are serialized to strings and are always set using attributes.
  • Custom elements accept class rather than className, and for rather than htmlFor.

If you render a built-in browser HTML element with an is attribute, it will also be treated as a custom element.


A future version of React will include more comprehensive support for custom elements.

You can try it by upgrading React packages to the most recent experimental version:

  • react@experimental
  • react-dom@experimental

Experimental versions of React may contain bugs. Donโ€™t use them in production.

All SVG components

React supports all built-in browser SVG components. This includes:


Similar to the DOM standard, React uses a camelCase convention for prop names. For example, youโ€™ll write tabIndex instead of tabindex. You can convert existing SVG to JSX with an online converter.

Namespaced attributes also have to be written without the colon:

  • xlink:actuate becomes xlinkActuate.
  • xlink:arcrole becomes xlinkArcrole.
  • xlink:href becomes xlinkHref.
  • xlink:role becomes xlinkRole.
  • xlink:show becomes xlinkShow.
  • xlink:title becomes xlinkTitle.
  • xlink:type becomes xlinkType.
  • xml:base becomes xmlBase.
  • xml:lang becomes xmlLang.
  • xml:space becomes xmlSpace.
  • xmlns:xlink becomes xmlnsXlink.